Saturday, January 1, 2011

lord knows, it would be the first time...

So. It's 2011. It's a number that looks odd written down, and nobody quite knows how to pronounce it. Are we in twenty-eleven? Surely two-thousandandandandeleven can't be the way to go? I think we should just revert to using the last little bit of the number. It's not like we're going to get confused about which decade we are existing in, and besides, all the best years are referred to in this way ('66, '89, '91, for example). Let's just call it 'eleven' and be done with it.

Happy new year, anyway. I very much hope that it is a good year for you, that you get promoted or you get one of those baby things or you finally work up the courage to make that girl yours. Whatever it is that your heart desires, I hope that you get it, and I hope it changes your life for the better.

Of course, it's much more likely to just be another mundane year...

Last night was lovely. I had all of my old school friends over, and we just drank and chatted all night. I think we're all a lot more mellow than we used to be. Also, I think it says something about both my friends and my house that when I woke up this morning, it was tidier than it was before everyone arrived yesterday.

As it is the dawn of a new decade, I think it is probably time to lay down in writing the ways in which I intend to change (but never will). Firstly, I will get all my work done on Wednesdays so that weekends can remain free for socialising and whatnot. Secondly, I will eat breakfast every single day rather than choosing instead to stay in bed for ten extra minutes, which brings me on to my third resolution - I will get up when my alarm goes off and not lie in bed pressing 'snooze' for half an hour. I will not dread next year, but embrace it as an Italian adventure which will help mould me into a better, more rounded individual with more stories to tell. I will not eat sneaky bits of Christmas turkey when I think nobody is looking. I will achieve spiritual enlightenment. I will actually read books before seminars and do the prep. I will swap one hour of internet access with half an hour of Italian grammar every night. I will try my hardest to live in the moment, rather than over thinking everything. I will eat more fruit. I will arrive to nine o'clock lectures looking impeccably coiffed and having slept for at least seven hours. I will wear less make-up. I will lose a little bit of weight. I will watch at least one foreign film a week to make me both more cultured and a better linguist. I will not call my dog 'Crapbag' - it isn't fair to him. I will be nicer to my mother. I will be nicer to the Cretin. I will start buying newspapers rather than just reading them online. I will spend less money on clothes. I will spend less money in general. I will complain less when my feet are cold or I have a sore throat. I will cook exciting things, I will be less selfish and (most importantly) I will be kind to those in need of kindness.

That was a lot more things than I had planned. Now to slob around in my pyjamas all day doing none of these things. I feel like I need to end this with an up-beat song that will lift your spirits and send you hurtling positively into the new year, but I don't know many of those so it'll have to be The Smiths. Sorry about that...

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