Tuesday, February 22, 2011

the people's king.

It's only ruddy Tuesday, and to celebrate, I thought I'd write one of these. I hope that you are well and not too disheartened by the horrid weather and horrid-er goings on in the world.

There is lots of lovely music around at the moment, and exciting people are releasing exciting things! Obviously I have to talk about Radiohead. King of Limbs sort of came from nowhere, and though I am still holding out for its physical release (I am a CD junkie), I have of course had a few listens online. I have always preferred trippy, pretty Radiohead to the more electronicy stuff, but this is good. Good but not astounding. It has promises of brilliance, but doesn't quite follow through. I'm hoping it's a grower, but I'm fairly sure it's not going to be a classic in my mind.

Next up, the wonderful Conor (because what would this blog be without him!?) who has come up trumps with a rather spectacular album The People's Key. I am obviously biased because Bright Eyes are my favourite thing since they made those slippers that you can microwave, but this album is really rather good. If you like music for its feel-good factor, you should probably listen to Beach House or Clarensau instead, because this album isn't exactly uplifting. But then uplifting Bright Eyes wouldn't be Bright Eyes at all, would it? It's almost a bit poppy, very easy to listen to, funny, sweet, sad and (most importantly) better than all Oberst's solo work put together. So yes, I am a fan.

It's not new anymore, but The Suburbs by the magnificent Arcade fire is, in short, phenomenal. I still like Funeral best, but this is now their third brilliant album, so I think they are now officially a brilliant band. I'm pretty sure that's how it works...

What would we do without music? Life would be so grey.

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