Saturday, August 14, 2010

winter's waiting...

Today has been dismal, but in a brilliant way. I listened to Regina Spektor which got me in the mood to watch 500 Days of Summer which got me in the mood to listen to The Smiths which got me in the mood to wallow a bit which got me in the mood to eat Weetos from the box. After that of course, I needed some refreshment, so drank seven hundred cups of tea and quietly seethed for the hour the Cretin was in my house.

So while today has been sort of fun, tomorrow it is time to get out of the house. I may go to church for the first time since Easter because in a couple of weeks I will be in a field with thousands of God types and I don't want to let the side down. I may dig out my walking boots for the first time since Duke of Edinburgh and walk the dog all day long, just for the hell of it. I may go shopping for the first time in hours because it's nearly Autumn, and this can only mean one thing. Knitwear. Normally, I dread the longer nights and slippery pavements, but not this year. This year, I'm ready for it. After all, Winter has many perks: duffel coats and hot water bottles, cableknit and boots, bonfires and an excuse to be miserable, to name but a few.

If you haven't already come across 'Alex Reads Twilight' (which I'm sure you have), I urge you to watch. Unless you are a fan of the books. I personally feel unable to mock them without having read a word, so I take great pleasure in watching someone else do it. He's Quite funny...

So yes, two blogs in two days. This is because I wrote nothing but postcards for three weeks so I have been itching to get something down. Just don't get used to it...

(Just to get you in a wallowy Winter mood).

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